Steam Train Whistle
Whistle reproducing the sound of a steam train.
This whistle can be used to demonstrate how a mouthpiece instrument works, highlight the principle of the bevel and explain how it produces 4 sounds at the same time.
It is possible to modulate the sounds of this whistle by blowing air more or less strongly through the mouthpiece.
Made of wood, it is an effective, natural, easy to carry and solid instrument.
To explain how the bevels work, you just have to block 3 of the 4 to hear only one note, then 2 to hear only 2 notes, and thus we clearly understand the “train” effect when all 4 sound together.
The quality of this whistle guarantees long-term operation.
If you are interested, please check the colour availability.
Dimensions: L.16 cm - ø 3.5 cm